Showing posts with label worrying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worrying. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Having a bad time? What are you busy doing?

Having a bad time?

If you're  going through difficult moment at the time, what're you doing about it?

Are you busy worrying or you're busy focusing on things within your control?

A bad time is made worse by a state of confusion, which is where worrying leads to. On the other hand, control empowers you with the positive belief and the right level of confidence you need to haul yourself out of a bad time quickly.

So, when you have a bad time stop being busy worrying and start being busy taking control of the things you could. In most cases, things within your control would light the torch for you to find your way out of a bad time.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

You want to stop worrying? Apply the Circle of Control Concept.

How many times in your life have you been in a hopeless situation where you felt confused and helpless? Many times, right?

Yes!  Can you remember the number of times you've lost control to worrying? You can'

Did you ever get yourself out of any of those situations either by worrying or by trying to influence things which totally out of your control? I don't think so.

Next time you find yourself in such a situation, do this. 

Instead of worrying about conditions you have little or no control over, give all your energy, time and other resources you own, to things you can influence and control. In other words, focus on the circle of control.

Where problems are, so also are opportunities to solve them and open doors to greater things and growth 

Focusing on the circle of control is a growth mindset that gives a clearer understanding of a problem, sharpens creativity and increases productivity.

So, in the midst of conditions or near hopeless situations, instead of caving in to worries and becoming trapped in the circle of concern, find out the possibilities you have and what you really have under your control.

7 little beautiful gifts to give your best friend.

Best gift for your best friend. This article was first published on Ayi Post. When you are in a relationship with someone you love from the ...